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Technology Overview

AgileDelta is actively involved in the development of a number of technologies related to XML.

The Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C) has adopted our Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) format as the global web standard for binary XML. AgileDelta is editor of the standard and worked closely with the W3C to define all of its elements. Prior to the formation of EXI, AgileDelta was a key contributor to the Binary XML Characterization Working Group which defined the requirements for a binary XML standard.

AgileDelta also proposed the ECMAScript for XML (E4X) initiative, which adds native XML support to ECMAScript, the international standard for JavaScript and one of the world's most widely used programming languages. Before E4X, reading, writing and maintaining XML code was tedious, time consuming and error prone requiring a heap of reference manuals and a technology stack large enough to throttle any small, mobile device. AgileDelta led the development of the international E4X standard, authored the E4X specification and developed the first complete E4X implementation for our customer, BEA Systems, Inc.